STA 414/2104 Winter 2024:

Statistical Methods for Machine Learning II

This course introduces probabilistic learning tools such as exponential families, directed graphical models, Markov random fields, exact inference techniques, message passing, sampling and MCMC, hidden Markov models, variational inference, EM algorithm, Bayesian regression, probabilistic PCA, Neural networks kernel methods, and Gaussian processes. It will also offer a broad view of model-building and optimization techniques that are based on probabilistic building blocks which will serve as a foundation for more advanced machine learning courses.

More details can be found in syllabus and piazza.



Prof Piotr Zwiernik
Office hours Tuesday 15:30 -17:30 (UY 9040)

Teaching Assistants:

Ichiro Hashimoto, Kevin Zhang, Junhao Zhu

Time & Location:

Section Room Lecture time
STA 414 LEC0101 & STA 2104 LEC0101 PB B250 M 14-17
STA 414 LEC5101 & STA 2104 LEC5101 MS 2170 T 18-21

Suggested Reading

No required textbooks. Suggested reading will be posted after each lecture (See lectures below).

Lectures and timeline

Week Lectures Suggested reading Tutorials Video Timeline
1 Introduction
Probabilistic Models
PML1 1.1-1.3
PML1 3.4, 4.2
tut w1 NA syllabus
2 Decision theory
Directed Graphical Models
PRML 1.5
PML2 4.2
tut w2
rec w2  
3 Markov Random Fields
Exact inference
PML2 2.3, 4.3
PML2 9.5
tut w3 rec w3
tut w3
hw1 out
4 Message passing
Monte Carlo Methods
PML2 9.3, 9.4
PML2 11.1, 11.2, 11.5
tut w4 rec w4 hw1 due
5 Markov Chain Monte Carlo PML2 2.6, 12.1-12.6 tut w5,demo
rec w5 hw2 out
6 Hidden Markov Models
Variational inference I
PML2 9.2
PML2 5.1,
HMM colab
VI colab
rec w6 hw2 due
7 Reading week
(no class/tutorial)
- -   -
8 Midterm exam   -   midterm
9 Variational inference II
EM algorithm
PML2 10.1-10.3
PML2 28.2.1, 6.5.3
tut w7
VI for stats
rec w7  
10 Probabilistic PCA
Bayesian regression
PRML 12.2
PRML 3.3
tut w8 rec w8 hw3 out
11 Kernel methods
Gaussian processes
PRML 6.1-3
PRML 6.4
GP tutorial
tut w9
tut pdf
rec w9  
12 Neural Networks PRML 5
tut w10
tut pdf
rec w10 hw3 due
13 Variational Autoencoders PML2 16.3.3, 21 VAE colab rec w11  


Homework # Out Due TA Office Hours Solutions
Assigment 1 1/22 2/04 1/31 3-4pm, 2/02 11am-12pm, both at Sidney Smith, rooms 621/621A solutions
Assigment 2 2/05 2/18 2/13 1-2pm and on 2/16 11am-12pm, both at Sidney Smith, room 621 solutions
Assigment 3 3/04 3/24 3/18 and 3/19, both 11am-noon in UY 9040 solutions

Computing Resources

For the homework assignments, we will use Python, and libraries such as NumPy, SciPy, and scikit-learn. You have two options: